Sam's website

About Me

I graduated from UC Davis with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. I currently work as a Software Engineer at LinkedIn under Product Application and Infrastructure.

I enjoy playing music in a band setting. I have a passion for building open-source projects that empower developers in their career journeys.

I recharge from the busyness by shooting photos, playing foosball with friends and catching up for a good meal. When I go outdoors, I prefer hiking trails and recreational parks.

I occasionally travel outside of the US to experience new cultures. Here are the places I visited:

I currently attend these churches:

My parents are an important part of my life. They shaped me into who I am today, and I am proud to be their son.

I am blessed with a lovely wife who enjoys planting flowers, making crafts and eating pastries. I am the father of two kids, and they constantly remind me that:

The days are long, but the years are short.